At Hollywood UMC, we understand the importance of community as we all strive to deepen our relationship with God and become more like Jesus. Each step we take together is a testament to our faith and a reflection of our commitment to the teaching of Christ. We know none of us is perfect; we all have struggles and imperfections. But that is why we lean on the grace of Jesus, who has done all the work for our salvation. This very grace inspires us to set aside our self-interests and listen to the gentle nudges of the Holy Spirit guiding us in our daily lives.
The United Methodist Church is a global denomination that opens hearts, minds, and doors through active engagement with the world. Its mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
A United Methodist joins in that mission by putting faith and love into action. We believe
God loves all people, and we share in expressing that love. The United Methodist tradition emphasizes God's grace and in serving others. We believe that Jesus Christ is the fullest expression of God's love--showing us the fullness of God's care through Jesus' teachings, death, and resurrection.
John Wesley started the Methodist movement in 18th-century England. His teachings on practical divinity (living out our faith) appeal to reason and experience, forming essential aspects of United Methodist practice today.
The United Methodist Church shares many fundamental beliefs with other Christian communities, including:
The Book of Discipline affirms the UMC's theological grounding in biblical faith; we believe the Bible is the primary authority for our faith and practice. The Book of Discipline also states that the United Methodist Church is an inclusive society that welcomes people of all ethnicities, genders, ages, economic conditions, and abilities.