
Children's Ministry

But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” - Matthew 9:14

Children are a Gift from God

We are here for your children all year. Below are ways your children can become more involved in their relationship with God, other children, and this congregation. For more information, contact the church office.

Want to get involved?

If you have a heart for kids and want to support the faith development of the next generation of believers, please contact the church office.

Please note that Hollywood's policy requires all who work with children, youth, or vulnerable populations to complete Safe Sanctuary training and undergo a background check. 

Infants and Toddlers

Infant /Toddler Nursery

Our nursery ministry provides a safe, caring place for our infants and toddlers during our worship service. Our nurseries are staffed by adult members who have undergone background checks and are assisted by approved volunteers.

Pre-K through 5th Grade

Children's Church

We invite our kids, Pre-K through 5th Grade, to join our Children's Ministry Team for their own Sunday morning Bible exploration.

Children begin the worship service with their parents and are dismissed after the pastor's children's moment. Children will return to the sanctuary during the Benediction.

K through 5th Grade

Vacation Bible School

This year's VBS will be July 28th through August 1st. Come back soon for more information.

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